Milan Painting

Exterior Painting Services

Exterior painting is a versatile solution that can transform and protect your property, providing both aesthetic and functional benefits. At Milan Painting, we take responsibility for thorough surface preparation, including pressure washing, scraping, primer application, and crack sealing.

House siding painting

House siding painting

Protect your home with our siding painting services.

Patio deck painting

Patio deck painting

We provide deck painting and staining services with meticulous preparation.

Metal surface painting

Restore and protect metal surfaces in industrial and commercial settings.

Stucco exterior painting

Stucco exterior painting

Beautify and protect your stucco exterior with our expertise.

Stucco exterior painting

Concrete exterior painters

Protect and refresh concrete surfaces with our professional painting.

Concrete surfaces are transformed with our concrete painting, adding character to your property.

Protect and refresh concrete surfaces with our professional touch.

Wood exterior staining

Wood exterior staining

Milan Painting provides professional wood surface painting and protection services for both interior and exterior spaces. We offer comprehensive solutions, including surface preparation, quality stain protection, and a wide range of color options to enhance the longevity and aesthetics of your wood surfaces

Professional wood surface painting and protection services for interior and exterior spaces.

Garage Painting

Garage Painting

Protect and beautify your exterior surfaces, including garages.

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