Milan Painting

Interior Painting Services

When we mention ‘interior painting,’ we’re referring to all the finishing works in construction. This includes both machine and hand leveling of ceilings and walls, preparation of plaster surfaces, scraping and painting of floors, and the application of paint using brushes, rollers, and sprayers.

Wall painting

Wall painting

Professional wall painting, whether for a fresh look or a different finish.

Ceiling painting

Achieve high-quality painted ceilings with our professional spraying.

Residential Painting Services

Doors painting

Attention to detail, including trim and door painting.

Trim painting

Trim painting

Preparing crown molding for a polished finish.

Wood Stain

Highlight the natural beauty of wood with our staining services.

Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Kitchen Cabinet Painting

Give your kitchen a makeover with cabinet repainting.

Floor coating

Floor coating

Epoxy coatings, polyurethane coatings, and acrylic sealers to protect your floors.

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